Freedom to Do innovate Digital Growth and Business
Digital technology unleashes innovation, becoming an important vector of growth in an economy in crisis. Unlike other industries, it does not require heavy investments and a simple consumer computer is enough, in many cases, to develop a new service, which can then evolve flexibly and scale up without difficulty.

Digital technology unleashes innovation, becoming an important vector of growth in an economy in crisis. Unlike other industries, it does not require heavy investments and a simple consumer computer is enough, in many cases, to develop a new service, which can then evolve flexibly and scale up without difficulty.
These short innovation cycles have made it possible to develop in just a few years a thriving digital economy, creating jobs and wealth. But, beyond young, growing companies, the entire French economy must be supported in its digital transformation.
Open innovation will allow our large groups, in exchange with young, agile companies, to rethink their models and their products. By eliminating distances, digital technology can promote the international visibility and sale of the products of French VSEs and SMEs.
From heavy industry which must invent the factory of the future and optimize its production, to the local trader who must manage its presence on social networks, each company can, in digital technology, improve its competitiveness.
Tech, a true digital AOC, brings together under its banner all the players in the French startup ecosystem. It is also an innovative public policy serving this collective, the growth of startups, strengthening the attractiveness of territories and their capacity to bring about world-class champion startups.
Year Tech (2014)
was that of recognition: the labeling of the first nine French Tech Metropolises in 2014 (1) made it possible to create real dynamism and give these ecosystems unprecedented visibility at the level international. A second wave of labeling will complete the list of labeled French Tech Metropolises in June 2015.
Year II Tech (2015)
is that of acceleration: the operational support tools put in place for startups with high growth potential will be gradually deployed throughout the territory (1) after a phase of successful experiment.
Year II Tech is also that of openness
the French Tech Hubs, mirror ecosystems of French Tech Metropolises in major world capitals, will help support French startups in their international development. The French Tech Ticket (2), a system launched in May 2015, will play a vital and attractive incentive role for foreign talents.
Finally, Year III Tech (2016)
will aim to extend the approach of co-construction of territorial ecosystems to French digital segments of excellence (Design, GreenTech, FashionTech, MedTech, etc.).
Create a data economy by devoting data of general interest
Data, the true oxygen of the digital economy, contributes to the emergence of new economic models that gradually and lastingly impact all sectors of activity. The challenges linked to this revolution concern supporting the growth of new players who offer new models but also supporting established players.
As part of the New Industrial France Data Economy solution, the development of the data economy will continue to be supported via the Future Investments program as well as in the development of technological bricks allowing the creation of a French and European offering as well as in the creation of innovative services in various fields (insurance, automobiles, tourism, space observation, etc.).
The European scale represents the appropriate level of action to build a competitive economic and industrial model and influence the international market. The Government will cooperate with its partners on concrete actions linked to the data economy, and in particular the creation of a common European label around security for cloud computing and the strengthening of the protection of personal data.
Furthermore, the development of the data economy requires a framework favorable to the circulation and exploitation of data held by public and private actors to develop the potential for innovation and growth linked to this data. The provision of data of general interest will make it possible to create real digital common goods in certain key sectors such as transport, health, energy, or tourism (3) and to stimulate numerous advances to place France at the forefront in terms of the data economy.
Financing innovation by supporting digital growth models
Financing is decisive for establishing the development of players in the digital economy, whether they are in the start-up, priming, or scaling-up phase, and for ensuring that today's startups are tomorrow's global digital champions.
With the help of its operator Bpifrance (established throughout the country, including overseas) and the Investments for the Future program, the Government supports all segments that participate in the innovation financing chain: participatory financing, Business Angels, venture capital funds, financing by large groups (Corporate venture) and by the financial markets.
Securing and simplifying the regulatory environment
Tax measures to support innovation, such as the Research Tax Credit (CIR), the Innovation Tax Credit (CII) and the status of Young Innovative Company (JEI) have proven themselves to SMEs by strongly supporting the research and development efforts undertaken by innovative companies.
In 2015, the Government will perpetuate all the schemes by securing them and clarifying their award criteria. Furthermore, the Government will gradually rely on the definition of Bpifrance 's new generation Innovation benchmark for the definition of its aid schemes, in particular by taking into account non-technological innovation. Finally, the Government will remove unjustified regulatory obstacles to the development of digital companies.